
Meditative Music Project

It is exciting to now be planning for a studio recording of meditative and ambient music in August as a unique collaboration between shakuhachi/duduk player and ethnomusicologist Jonathan McCollum, the Sympathetic Resonance Trio (comprised of David Hebert, Sergej Tchirkov, and Ole Øvretveit), music therapist Simon Gilbertson, and my PhD student from Uganda, Erisa Walubo. The sound engineer is Hans Martin Austestad. We may also bring our new PhD student Kristian Tverli Iversen (from Bergen) and my old PhD graduate, Tanzanian musician Arnold Chiwalala (from Helsinki) to be part of this project. We aim to develop several music tracks that can be useful for multiple purposes, including meditation, stress-reduction, resilience building, and as a tool for specific therapies.

Our studio project will combine original recordings of local nature sounds with an array of western and non-western musical instruments. Some tracks will feature shakuhachi solos. Brief excerpts will likely be used as background sounds for a resilience-enhancing app being developed through the RESUPERES project, and other recordings may become soundtracks for various video projects and, based on previous studies, as sound stimulus for specific conditions to be relieved through music therapy. The entire project—from the stages of conception and creation to production and reception—will be documented as a piece of collaborative artistic research.

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