
Forthcoming Book on AI and Music Education

It is exciting to be progressing toward completion of a book contracted by Routledge on the topic of AI and philosophy of music education. Jiaxing Xie—probably the most well-known Chinese music educator—is my co-author for this book called A Philosophy of Music Education for the Era of AI: Dialogue Between Chinese and Western Perspectives.

Since both Xie and I are ethnomusicologists as well as music educators with a deep interest in technology, we take an approach that is rather different from most previous writings on the nature and purpose of music teaching and learning. Our book adopts a globally comparative perspective informed by decolonial theory, acknowledging both the opportunities and threats of AI tools for heritage and self-identity. We are making good progress and intend to submit the complete text to the press by the end of 2024 for publication in 2025. Our monograph extends on a series of presentations we gave at various national and international conferences in 2022-2024, including in China and at APSMER and ISME. Hopefully music teachers will be curious to read it.

Displayed above is one of several AI painted images developed by Zhengcui Guo for our book project. 

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