
International PhD Scholars in Bergen

Bergen Summer Research School has attracted more than 100 PhD students from 30 countries around the world for its program of courses, keynotes, and activities in June 2024. 

Although a recent nationwide strike severely disrupted BSRS-2024, causing some course cancellations and sudden teacher substitutions, the strike is now over and most students have managed to fully participate.

Here is a link for the detailed program: https://indd.adobe.com/view/1f359a45-e852-48f6-b04f-5c29218bb204

Here is a link for a press release that describes ongoing activities, including music and events that include the Bergen mayor and the rector (president) of University of Bergen: https://www.uib.no/en/rs/bsrs/171080/hope-science-and-summer-research-school


Below is an image from a performance at the nationwide strike, which is finally over. 

UPDATE: I am happy to report that due to the nationwide strike my course Creative Innovations in Higher Education is not actually cancelled, but merely postponed to summer 2025. More information will be posted on the BSRS website by Autumn 2024.


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