
Chinese Translation of Book Chapters

It was exciting to learn recently that Chinese translations and commentary on chapters from one of my books will soon be published.


This is part of a series called Explorations in Music, in a volume about research methods for music, and the chapters are from the book Theory and Method in Historical Ethnomusicology, which received positive reviews in several research journals.


The positive reception of that book ultimately led us to develop an entire book series in historical ethnomusicology. Click here for the Deep Soundings book series: https://rowman.com/Action/SERIES/_/LEXSHE/The-Lexington-Series-in-Historical-Ethnomusicology:-Deep-Soundings


Click here for details about the Chinese translation: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/EeKHi6qsSF7AGVC2-4ZO9Q


Shown here are images of the book in English and the Chinese volume with translated chapters and commentary.


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