It is a
great pleasure to announce that Judge Karan Choudhary, PhD, has been awarded a 2-year fellowship from the EU’s
MSCA postdoctoral program to join the GAME research group in Bergen, Norway. He will be traveling from India, where he has
worked as a judge across recent years. Karan's project is titled “Legal Challenges posed by AI Generated Music: A Comparative study of Copyright Laws of China, India, Norway, USA and UK, to develop a suitable Global Legal Framework specifically for AI Generated Music (Music Law)”.
Here is an
announcement on the university website:
Most of the 2-year postdoctoral appointment (2025-2027) will be spent working with me in Norway, but Karan
will also have a residency with Prof. Robert Burrell at
Oxford Law School. The outcome of this postdoc will be co-authored journal articles
and a new book on the implications of AI for music law. We are very grateful to the European Commission for its generous support of this project.
The GAME research group also
had another outstanding candidate for the EU’s MSCA postdoctoral fellowship
this year, and that application scored quite highly but was placed on the
waiting list. We remain hopeful that project too might receive funding soon for
an important study that explores the impact of climate change on music and dance heritage in
southern Africa.
GAME also continues to await the results of a Horizon Europe
application on political expression in minority musics that scored very highly
and was placed on a waiting list, as well as an application to the Norwegian
government to establish a new AI research center in Bergen (for which I co-lead a work package in the field of Higher Education). Additionally, we are leading a new
Horizon Europe application on the theme of culture virtualization.