
Book Series Boards

It is a pleasure to have just been appointed to the International Advisory Board for a book series in the field of research methods, New Research – New Voices, on Brill Press. I currently also serve on the boards of two other book series, one in the field of music education and one in ethnomusicology.

The music education series is the ISME Routledge Book Series of the International Society for Music Education.

Since 2019, I have also been co-Editor of a book series that will soon be part of Bloomsbury Publishing (who recently purchased Lexington Books and the rest of the Rowman & Littlefield Academic catalogue). That is the Lexington Series in Historical Ethnomusicology: Deep Soundings, which currently has four volumes published and two more under contract.

It is interesting to engage in interdisciplinary scholarship, and although each academic field has distinctive characteristics there are significant intersections between educational research, musicology, and music education. Each of these book series is producing unique scholarly contributions and seems to have a promising future despite the increasing challenges faced by academic presses. 

I am eager to hear from prospective authors who may be interested in publishing in any of these series.

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