
Do we underestimate the musical potential of children?

[NOTE: Updated 8/14/08 due to dead links. This website is best viewed with the Mozilla Firefox browser - downloadable for free - rather than Internet Explorer or Netscape.]

8-Year Old Blues Guitarist

Ravel Played by Child Violinist

The following two videos were recommended by a visitor to this blog . . . . .

Gabi Wilson:

Vince Mira:


Unknown said...

Dr. Hebert,
Great videos! Two other examples of skilled child musicians that come to mind are Gabi Wilson, a very talented ten year-old musician, and Vince Mira, a fifteen year-old Johnny Cash sound-alike from the Seattle area. Here are links to videos of both children:

Gabi Wilson: http://youtube.com/watch?v=irML2uI0mkk

Vince Mira: http://youtube.com/watch?v=jOWPUP2-2sM

Sociomusicology said...

More excellent videos!
Thank you so much for that.
David Hebert