
New PhD Dissertation on Cantonese Opera

It was a pleasure to serve recently as External Examiner for the PhD defense of Dr. Kimmie Sin-Yee Ma with the Education University of Hong Kong.

Kimmie Sin-Yee Ma’s dissertation is on the teaching and learning of Pai-he, the instrumental accompaniment for Cantonese opera, a form of traditional Chinese cultural heritage that is especially associated with Hong Kong. 

Prof. Bo-wah Leung was the main supervisor for this study, and Koji Matsunobu was another supervisor. Through the Global Competence Partnership project, I participated as External Examiner along with Chee Hoo Lum.   

At the doctoral defense, all reviewers indicated the study has many strengths and makes important new insights into this field. In addition to offering robust empirical research on how this unique music is professionally taught, Dr. Ma also developed a theoretical model for how her findings can be applied in diverse educational settings. The findings promise to be relevant for the transmission and institutionalization of traditional music heritage not only in Hong Kong, but also in other settings worldwide, especially in relation to opera traditions.  

The final version of Dr. Ma’s dissertation will soon be made publicly available, and if possible I will provide a link here to it.

One image shown here is from a recent Cantonese opera performance I attended in Hong Kong and the other is from Dr. Ma’s defense.

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