
Twentieth Anniversary Conference in Poznan


Recently I returned to Bergen, Norway after participating in the 20-year jubilee event of the Musica Practica Musica Theoretica series at the Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland. At this international symposium, it was exciting to see some recent developments in music scholarship coming from Poland and nearby countries. This series of annual events has been organized and hosted by Mikolaj Rykowski and colleagues at the academy across recent years and was founded by his mentor at the academy. 

Poznan is a lovely place (central square pictured here), and as Mikolaj and I noticed when we worked together on the book Music Glocalization, it was also the birthplace of sociologist and globalization theorist Zygmunt Bauman. It was a pleasure to give a presentation in Poznan on methods for research on revival of ancient music, as well as to chair a session on “Artistic Research and Other Methodologies” and participate as a panelist in the concluding plenary discussion on Artistic Research Methods in Music along with Stefan Ostersjo, Mikolaj Rykowski and others. Some of the ideas we discussed are described at length in the book Shared Listenings, although the panel was not specifically about intercultural projects. 

Earlier, I gave a guest lecture, “Research in International Music Education: Issues and Methods”, for the music Master program at Beijing Normal University-Zhuhai campus, and I look forward to returning to China later this year.

In Bergen we are now preparing a PhD course for Bergen Summer Research School and developing multiple new PhD courses through the Global Competence Partnership project.


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