I am happy to have been invited to participate in the Nordic workshop, Perspectives on music teacher education – Nordic research on professional knowledge in music education, which is held at Örebro University, Sweden across the next few days. It is funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and organized in collaboration between Örebro University and Luleå University of Technology (in Sweden), as well as Norwegian Academy of Music (Norway) and Aarhus University (Denmark).
According to the workshop invitation . . . “music teacher education research has an urgent theoretical and critical task ahead if we are to prevent pedagogical activities for future music teachers from being confined to adaptation to political directives and organizational changes. Engaging with current issues and challenges facing music teacher education the workshop explicitly aims to:
• Enable the discussion of previous research on music teacher education, but first and foremost significances for further research
• Provide a platform for discussing methodological and conceptual questions of relevance for music teacher education research
• Stimulate an exchange of ideas and a forum for dialogue to enable the development of collaboration and new research
Keeping with the aims of the workshop and in order to allow for in-depth dialoguing, participation at the workshop is restricted and is being directed to key senior researchers from different Nordic universities and music academies.”