The 20th anniversary symposium of the International Society for Philosophy of Music Education began today in Helsinki. Here is a link for further information: ISPME.
The International Society for Philosophy of Music Education is a professional scholarly organization that is "devoted to the specific interests of philosophy of music education in elementary through secondary schools, colleges and universities, in private studios, places of worship, and all the other places and ways in which music is taught and learned."
I reviewed paper submissions for this symposium, served as ISPME's webmaster, and will Chair some sessions and serve as a Respondent for a paper presentation.
Keynote Speakers and Special Guests include:
Philip Alperson (USA)
Tia DeNora (UK)
Estelle R. Jorgensen (USA)
Hermann Josef Kaiser (Germany)
Michael L. Mark (USA)
Frede V. Nielsen (Denmark)
Suvarnalata Rao (India)
Thomas A. Regelski (USA)
Marie McCarthy (USA)